山梨学院デジタルパンフレット:: Yamanashi Gakuin University by The Japan Times Vol.2

byevered for its beauty and majesty, Mt. Fuji is the symbol of educational aspi-rations of Yamanashi Gakuin. As the tallest mountain in Japan, it serves as a striking reminder every day that the school’s vision is to offer the highest level of education and character to its students.With six educational institu-tions, ranging from preschool through university, students have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the school’s vision from early childhood. This fos-tering of community is part of what makes the school not only an excellent place to achieve an education, but also a place to truly get to know traditional alongside 21st century Japan.Approximately seventy years ago, the founding president of the university, Shinichi Furuya, called Mt. Fuji the pinnacle of the school, a mentor of sorts to an institution in its infancy. He even considered naming the school Fuji-san University.* Three generations later, the same beloved peak rises to the South over the nowbustling and growing campus.* Yamanashi Gakuin University: Thirty Years of History07R

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