山梨学院デジタルパンフレット:: Yamanashi Gakuin University by The Japan Times Vol.2

byFor people who wish to build a successful career in the public sector or become legal experts, Yamanashi Gakuin University is the right choice. Students gain broad, in-depth knowledge in law and public administration as well as learn from guest instructors who are civil servants. The program offers strong support for students preparing to take civil service exami-nations or apply to law school. 15UNDERGRADUATEFaculty of Law Facuity of BusinessAdministrationThe renewed and improved Faculty of Business Administration at Yamanashi Gakuin, which opened in April 2019, pro-vides students with extensive knowledge in the fields of management, marketing, accounting and economics. The new de-partment aims to cultivate the students’ capacity to improve society, and features a further enhanced curriculum and support system for students. Some of the courses are offered in collaboration with local business sectors to enable students to learn and acquire business skills through real-world experiences.

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