bySmall Class Size and a 5:1 Student-to-Faculty RatioResiding on CampusStudy Abroad OpportunitySmall class size and a low stu-dent-to-faculty ratio encourage more interaction and communi-cation between students and faculty and among students themselves.All international and Japanese iCLA freshmen are required to live in modern, on-campus resi-dential halls. This is a great opportunity to make friends and prepare for the study abroad experience while learning about different cultures.An optional one year of study abroad is part of iCLA’s curricu-lum and is built into the tuition, meaning there are no additional tuition fees. Eye-opening experi-ences are awaiting all iCLA de-gree-seeking students.13INTERNATIONAL COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS456DeanSanjay JHINGANA globalized world means an increasingly interconnected world that changes rapidly. To live a meaningful life in such a world we need a good under-standing of different cultures and societies. In order to do so, it is import-ant to have not only a flexible and adaptable mindset but also a plural mindset, i.e., accepting diverse viewpoints and a willingness to adapt to them. I strongly recommend that students develop a global and lib-eral attitude with the ability to connect across cultures to make effective decisions.
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