
1 2 1 2 3 Evaluation criteria for each course will be defined by the syllabus and the rubric. 1 The ability to build a foundation of “practical knowledge and skills” and “creativity and the ability to 2 The ability to communicate with people from diverse cultures and adapt to different situations in their 3 The ability to set one’s own goals and be willing to visualize themselves accomplishing them. 4 The ability to understand one’s self, decide one’s own thoughts and actions, and build positive 4 Graduation is assessed according to the criteria specified in the Regulations for each Faculty’s Course (1) Diploma Policy (DP) Yamanashi Gakuin University awards Diplomas to students who acquire the following abilities in accordance with the goal of nurturing the “skills needed for leading life in confidence and courage.” take initiative” to contribute to the society. native and/or non-native languages. relationships with others. (2) Curriculum Policy (CP) Yamanashi Gakuin University organizes and implements its curriculum based on the Diploma Policy. Educational Overview In the specialized courses of the Faculty, students will acquire the “practical knowledge and skills” and “creativity and the ability to take initiative” as stated in DP1. In courses outside of the specialized courses of the Faculty, students will acquire the abilities listed in the university-wide DP through the completion of courses. Methodology 1 In Lecture-based courses, courses will be conducted to not only teach knowledge and skills, but also to foster the ability to apply the knowledge and skills through active learning methods. 2 In Seminar courses, project-based learning methods will be implemented to foster creativity and the ability to take initiative. Evaluation Methods In Lecture-based courses, not only is the retention of knowledge and skills measured, but also the ability to apply knowledge and skills is evaluated through performance. In Seminar courses, projects will be assessed through behavioral evaluation from actions while conducting the project, as well as performance evaluation from the projects’ results. of Study. 4. Yamanashi Gakuin University 3 Policies 3

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