? ? ? ? Malicious acts such as using cheat sheets, cheating, private conversations, etc. ? Writing answers on references that are allowed to be brought in and lending or borrowing references ? ? ? ? (issued by train stations etc.) government agency, etc.) that conducted the employment exam, that is stamped with a seal of approval at the Student Center (however job-seeking activities are not applicable) in level or exam Proof of delay Certificate from the organization (company, organization, A document to prove their attendance with an approval stamp by the General Manager of the club to which the student belongs or a pamphlet explaining the event A document proving the reason for not being able to take the 31 Delays in public transportation (i.e., buses, trains) Employment exam Representing the University in sports competitions or participating competitions at national higher Others (4) Re-take exam A re-take exam is a special exam given to 4th year students at the discretion of the University. Eligible students are notified by the University after the final exam period. Students who did not attend the final exam, or who received an “F” or “NP” due to their attendance rate are not eligible to take a re-take exam. The highest grade for a re-take exam is a “D” or “P”. Students are notified of the results of re-take exams on UNIPA the day of grade release. (5) Important notes for taking exams When taking exams, students must follow an instructor’s rules given in advance and the exam supervisor’s instructions. If a student is found to have committed an illicit act, not only in written exams but also in online exams, report exams, etc., the Dean and guarantor will be notified of the fact and the student will be punished in accordance to the University Regulations. Illicit behavior includes but is not limited to the following: Impersonation by someone other than a qualified examinee Cooperative preparation of answers by multiple people Plagiarism of other examinees' answers Use of reference materials or personal belongings that are not permitted to be brought into the exam Behavior that significantly affects the conduct of the exam or other examinees Failure to follow the instructions of the course instructor or supervisor when preparing answers Direct usage of AI-generated text, etc.
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