
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1st year foundation course as below *1Available until AY2021 *2Available until AY2023 *3Available until AY2021 Japanese Language Courses Foundation Courses Pathway Courses Square brackets [ ] indicate courses that were offered in the past ‘Professional Writing in Japanese’ (3 credits) For students whose native language is Japanese, and students who are deemed to have equivalent Japanese language proficiency. ‘Japanese Language 2’ (3 credits) or [‘Elementary Japanese 2’*1 (3 credits)] For international students etc. whose native language is not Japanese. However, students who are deemed not to need to take these courses depending on test results in a Japanese language proficiency exam after admission are exempted from this requirement. ‘Foundation for College Success’ (1 credit) or [‘Omnibus Themes’*2 (3 credits)] or [‘Omnibus Themes (Spring)’*3 (3 credits)] or [‘Omnibus Themes (Fall)’*3 (3 credits)] Foundation academic writing and reading course(s) as below ‘Composition 1’ and ‘Composition 2’ and ‘Academic Reading Across Disciplines’ (9 credits total) or ‘Expository Research Writing’ (3 credits) ‘Graduation Research Project (GRP)’ (2 credits) At least 3 Pathway Courses listed below, each from a different major area (9 credits total) To declare a major, students must have taken a pathway course in that major area. Global Business & Economics: ‘Microeconomics’ Political Science: ‘Introduction to Political Science’ Psychology: ‘Introduction to Psychology’ ‘Introduction to Psychobiology’ Interdisciplinary Data Science: ‘Introduction to Python Programming’*4 Interdisciplinary Arts: ‘Introduction to Language Concepts’ ‘Literature Appreciation’ ‘Interdisciplinary Arts’ 17

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