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Results of Admission Examinations

Academic Year 2020
As of June 1, 2020


Department Applicants Examinees Successful Applicants Entrants
Department of Law 829(208) 817(205) 577(144) 387(78)
Department of Business Administration 856(213) 817(205) 412(106) 296(69)
Department of Nutrition 96(85) 94(83) 59(55) 34(32)
International College of Liberal Arts (iCLA) 92(42) 90(40) 55(27) 31(15)
Department of Sport Science 369(99) 367(98) 279(85) 210(67)
Total 2,242(647) 2,185(631) 1,382(417) 958(261)


Graduate School Applicants Examinees Successful Applicants Entrants
Social Science 13(8) 13(8) 13(8) 12(8)


*( ) marks the number of female applicants